

In 2016, the CFL Players Association (CFLPA) was tasked with a mandate to create a resource aimed at helping players in the Canadian Football League with life beyond the game of football. Today, we are proud to offer a variety of support through three pillars; Education, Employment, and Wellness, for ALL CFLPA Academy members, and their families.

Key Takeaways

  • The CFLPA Academy provides support to CFLPA members and their families to succeed in life both during and after their football careers.
  •  The Academy offers various resources and programs in education, wellness, and employment.
  •  The Academy has partnerships with several educational institutions, including Athabasca University, OSU Ecampus, Royal Roads University, and Saskatchewan Polytechnic, offering undergraduate and graduate degrees, microcredentials, and tailored offerings.
  • The Academy also offers applied streams such as diplomas, degrees, and certificates in skilled trades, co-operative education, and aviation licensing.
  •  The Academy provides certifications in fire fighting and first-response training and sales training.
  • CFLPA members have provided positive feedback about the Academy's programs, such as the Royal Roads University Sport Leadership course and the courses offered by Athabasca University.
  •  The Academy has a Mentorship Program with the CFL, in which 7 CFLPA Academy members have been selected to participate.
  • Payline By Ice, a resource provided by the Academy, processed around $7 million CAD to USD in 2023, delivering savings of more than $120K CAD collectively to CFLPA members.
  •  The Academy has key updates and initiatives planned for 2024, including sponsorships, scholarships, and events like the Player Transition Summit.
  •  The Academy is available annually for CFLPA members, partners/spouses, and family members.
  •  The Academy is actively seeking testimonials and success stories from its members.

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The CFLPA Academy is here to help current, former and future CFL players with Education, Employment and Wellness!


How ARE MEMBERS Training?


Figures confirmed March, 2024






